Mira Modi
Mira as a medical student
Pronouns: She/Her
I’m currently a medical student at Kansas City University.
Medical professional, Indian, Daughter, Friend
My family has a prevalent history of cancer. Seeing that at an early age really drew me into the field. The need for care post-treatment opened my eyes to field of PM&R.
Medical school is a hard time. The world is moving on without you; you see friends take trips, get promotions, get married, and start families. Moments like those are rough because you find yourself stuck still in school. It is definitely hard to miss out on those moments for your friends and not be able to have them for yourself, but remembering each person's path is different can help ease the way.
I hope to understand the disparity in the medical field and find solutions to help fix it. To serve our patients, we must first understand them.
I am interested in many parts of PM&R. I especially am interested in Oncology Rehab, Neuro Rehab, and Pain Management. I hope to further the oncology space within PM&R. I also hope to increase PM&R research and help this field grow to its true potential.
Last updated 04/2022